
Wednesday 12 July 2017

Shiva Lingashtakam Free Download Audio and Video

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लिंगाष्टकम – Sri Shiva Lingashtakam

ब्रह्ममुरारि सुरार्चित लिङ्गं
निर्मलभासित शॊभित लिङ्गम् ।
जन्मज दुःख विनाशक लिङ्गं
तत्-प्रणमामि सदाशिव लिङ्गम् ॥ 1 ॥

दॆवमुनि प्रवरार्चित लिङ्गं
कामदहन करुणाकर लिङ्गम् ।
रावण दर्प विनाशन लिङ्गं
तत्-प्रणमामि सदाशिव लिङ्गम् ॥ 2 ॥

सर्व सुगन्ध सुलॆपित लिङ्गं
बुद्धि विवर्धन कारण लिङ्गम् ।
सिद्ध सुरासुर वन्दित लिङ्गं
तत्-प्रणमामि सदाशिव लिङ्गम् ॥ 3 ॥

कनक महामणि भूषित लिङ्गं
फणिपति वॆष्टित शॊभित लिङ्गम् ।
दक्ष सुयज्ञ निनाशन लिङ्गं
तत्-प्रणमामि सदाशिव लिङ्गम् ॥ 4 ॥

कुङ्कुम चन्दन लॆपित लिङ्गं
पङ्कज हार सुशॊभित लिङ्गम् ।
सञ्चित पाप विनाशन लिङ्गं
तत्-प्रणमामि सदाशिव लिङ्गम् ॥ 5 ॥

दॆवगणार्चित सॆवित लिङ्गं
भावै-र्भक्तिभिरॆव च लिङ्गम् ।
दिनकर कॊटि प्रभाकर लिङ्गं
तत्-प्रणमामि सदाशिव लिङ्गम् ॥ 6 ॥

अष्टदलॊपरिवॆष्टित लिङ्गं
सर्वसमुद्भव कारण लिङ्गम् ।
अष्टदरिद्र विनाशन लिङ्गं
तत्-प्रणमामि सदाशिव लिङ्गम् ॥ 7 ॥

सुरगुरु सुरवर पूजित लिङ्गं
सुरवन पुष्प सदार्चित लिङ्गम् ।
परात्परं परमात्मक लिङ्गं
तत्-प्रणमामि सदाशिव लिङ्गम् ॥ 8 ॥

लिङ्गाष्टकमिदं पुण्यं यः पठॆश्शिव सन्निधौ ।
शिवलॊकमवाप्नॊति शिवॆन सह मॊदतॆ ॥

Meaning of Lingashtakam

I continuously bow to that Linga of Siva, Which is honored by Brahma, Murari and Indra, Which is adorned and resplendent by clear light, and Which destroys the grief born out of the birth.||1||

I continuously bow to that Linga of Siva, Which is honored by demi-gods and the best sages, Which destroys the fear of Kamadeva or desires, Which is the abode of compassion, and Which destroyed the pride of the demon Ravana.||2||

I continuously bow to that Linga of Siva, Which is applied and covered by a fragrant paste, Which is the reason for the increment of wisdom in persons, and Which has been extolled by siddha, demi-gods and demons alike.||3||

I continuously bow to that Linga of Siva, Which is adorned with gold and grand precious jewels, Which is surrounded and adorned by a garland of the king of snakes (Naga), and Which destroyed the grand sacrifice of Daksa Prajapati in the old times.||4||

I continuously bow to that Linga of Siva, Which is applied by a paste of sandalwood and kumkuma, Which is adorned by a garland of lotuses, and Which destroys the accumulated sins of living beings.||5||

I continuously bow to that Linga of Siva, Which is honoured by demi-gods and the Gana of Siva, possessed with devotional emotions, and Which is resplendent with light like millions of sun.||6||

I continuously bow to that Linga of Siva, Which is surrounded by flowers having eight-petals, Which is the reason behind the birth of everything, and Which destroys the eight types of poverty.||7||

I continuously bow to that Linga of Siva, Which is revered by demi-gods, preceptors and Indra, Which is offered wild-flowers, from forests, by the demi-gods, Which is beyond everything, and Which is like the Paramatman.||8||

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